About The Name


I first connected with the word ‘Wanderess’ in 2018 when I came across Roman Payne’s quote “She is free in her wildness. She was a wanderess, a drop of free water. She belonged to no man and to no city.” This deeply resinated with me. Not only had I recently split from a long-term relationship, but I was also planning to move interstate. Within two years I lived in six different houses and during this same time, I had four different jobs.

Simply put, the name ‘Journey Of A Wanderess’ is symbolising a journey of my life. A journey of my art, my creativity, my spirituality, my joys, and my struggles. As an artist, an element of me is attached to each piece I create. My journey has been about ‘unbecoming’ everything that I learnt from society and was influenced by others, and about rediscovering everything that was (and is) true to me.

My True Self. It is about listening to my Self, my intuition, my body, and my heart.

I hope you too can connect with your True Self.